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Department Students Kuo Hsin Yuan, Tsai Ming Ya, Wang Yi Tong., Wins Multiple Awards with the work【One 45°】,Instructors: Huang, Meng-Fan


One 45° Wins Multiple Awards

1.2021亞洲新生代設計展-全場大獎 Asian New Generation Design Exhibition -Grand Prize

2.2021香港當代設計獎-銅獎 HONG KONG CONTEMPORARY DESIGN AWARDS - Bronze Award

3.2021新加坡金沙藝術設計大賽-銅獎 SINGAPORE ART DESIGN CONTEST - Bronze Award

In the past three years, the incidence of diabetes in pets has been synchronized with that of humans.

According to statistics, most of the owners suffer from giving an accurate injection to pets with one hand.

Therefore, One 45° is designed to solve this. It's universal type of installing syringes and allows the owner to give insulin while comforting their pets.

It takes only one hand to do the injection. Using a 45° clamping design that fits the neck's curve to ensure stability while pinching the fur.

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