

姓名 李易叡
職稱 專任副教授 
專長 人因互動、兒童科技教育、擴增實境應用、醫療設計研究、職能訓練科技

聯絡e-mail  ericlee@ntut.edu.tw
分機 2811

研究室: 人因互動與科技應用研究室

國立成功大學 工業設計研究所 人因與互動設計組 工學博士

國立臺北科技大學 工業設計系 專任助理教授
經濟部標準檢驗局 國家標準技術委員
國立成功大學 規劃與設計學院 公職薦任技士
國科會人本智慧生活科技整合中心 設計師

A. 著作(國際期刊論文)

  1. Tsai, W. T., Lee, I. J*., & Chen, C. H. (2021). Inclusion of third‑person perspective in CAVE‑like immersive 3D virtual reality role‑playing games for social reciprocity training of children with an autism spectrum disorder. Universal Access in the Information Society, 20, 375-389. (SSCI)
  2. Lee, I. J*. (2021). Kinect-for-Windows with Augmented Reality in an Interactive Roleplay System for Children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. Interactive Learning Environments, 29(4), 688-704. (SSCI)
  3. Shao, D*., & Lee, I. J*. (2020). Acceptance and Influencing Factors of Social Virtual Reality in the Urban Elderly. Sustainability, 12(22), 9345. (SSCI)
  4. Lee, I. J*. Applying virtual reality for learning woodworking in the vocational training of batch wood furniture production. Interactive Learning Environments, 1-19. (SSCI) (In press)
  5. Lee, I. J*. (2019). Augmented Reality Coloring Book: An Interactive Strategy for Teaching Children with Autism to Focus on Specific Nonverbal Social Cues to Promote Their Social Skills. Interaction Studies20(2), 256–274.(SSCI)
  6. Lee, I. J*. (2019). Using augmented reality to train students to visualize three-dimensional drawings of mortise–tenon joints in furniture carpentry. Interactive Learning Environments, 1-15.(SSCI)
  7. Lee, I. J*., Chen, C. H., Wang, C. P., & Chung, C. H. (2018). Augmented Reality Plus Concept Map Technique to Teach Children with ASD to Use Social Cues When Meeting and Greeting. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher27(3), 227-243.(SSCI)
  8. Hoe, Z. Y., Lee, I. J*., Chen, C. H., & Chang, K. P., (2017). Using an augmented reality-based training system to promote spatial visualization ability for the elderly. Universal Access in the Information Society, 1-16.(SSCI)
  9. Lee, I. J*., Chen, C. H., Su, C, C., (2017). App based souvenirs and entry tickets: A new means of enhancing post visit memories: A case study from Taiwan. Tourism Management Perspectives24, 177-185.
  10. Chen, C. H*., Lee, I. J**., & Lin, L. Y., (2016), Augmented reality-based video-modeling storybook of nonverbal facial cues for children with autism spectrum disorder to improve their perceptions and judgments of facial expressions and emotions. Computers in Human Behavior, 55, 477-485.(SSCI)
  11. Lee, I. J*., Chen, C. H**., & Chang, K. P., (2016), Augmented reality technology combined with three-dimensional holography to train the mental rotation ability of older adults. Computers in Human Behavior. 65, 488-500.(SSCI)
  12. Lee, I. J*., Chen, C. H**., & Lin, L. Y. (2016). Applied Cliplets-based half-dynamic videos as intervention learning materials to attract the attention of adolescents with autism spectrum disorder to improve their perceptions and judgments of the facial expressions and emotions of others. SpringerPlus, 5(1), 1211.(SCI)
  13. Chen, C. H., Wang, C.P*., Lee, I. J., & Su, C, C., (2016), Speech-Generating Devices: Effectiveness of Interface Design. A Comparative Case Study of Autism Spectrum Disorders. SpringerPlus 5:1682.(SCI)
  14. Chen, C. H*., Lee, I. J., & Lin, L. Y., (2015), Augmented reality-based self-facial modeling to promote the emotional expression and social skills of adolescents with autism spectrum disorders. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 36, 396-403.(SSCI)

B. 著作(國際研討會論文)

  1. Hung, H. W., & Lee, I. J. (2021, July). Preliminary Study on the Multi-person Cooperative Training Module in the Application of Virtual Reality Technology to the Advanced Cardiac Life Support. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 155-162). Springer, Cham.
  2. Liang, T., & Lee, I. J. (2021, July). Mu-musicplay: How the Interactive Use of Games and Music Influence the Capacity of Autistic Children to Recognize Emotions in Videos and Music. In International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (pp. 353-361). Springer, Cham.
  3. Shao, D*., & Lee, I. J. (2020, July). The preliminary study on the willingness of middle-aged women of Taiwan metropolis to use social VR and their potential influencing factors in the future. 2020 The 4th International Conference on Education and Multimedia Technology, Kyoto, Japan.
  4. Lin, Y. T., & Lee, I. J*. (2020, July). Development of an Augmented Reality System Achieving in CNC Machine Operation Simulations in Furniture Trial Teaching Course. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 121-135). Copenhagen, Denmark.
  5. Hsu, H. T., & Lee, I. J*. (2020, July). Using Augmented Reality Technology with Serial Learning Framework to Develop a Serial Social Story Situation Board Game System for Children with Autism to Improve Social Situation Understanding and Social Reciprocity Skills. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 3-18). Copenhagen, Denmark.
  6. Huang, Y. C., & Lee, I. J*. (2020, July). Using Augmented Reality and Concept Mapping to Improve Ability to Master Social Relationships and Social Reciprocity for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 19-37). Copenhagen, Denmark.
  7. Lee, I. J*. (2020, July). Applying the Game Mode and Teaching Strategies of Computational Thinking to the Improvement of Social Skills Training for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 38-47). Copenhagen, Denmark.
  8. Huang, Y. C., & Lee, I. J*. (2019, July). A Study on the Development of a Mixed Reality System Applied to the Practice of Socially Interactive Behaviors of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 283-296). Copenhagen, Denmark.
  9. Lee, I. J* (2018) Using Stop-Motion Video as Visual Indicator to Strength Children with ASD's attention Focus on specific Nonverbal Social Cues to enhance Perception Judgments and Situational Awareness., 10th International Conference on Education Technology and Computers, Tokyo, Japan.
  10. Wang, C.P., Chen, C. H, Lee, I. J*., (2017), The Effect of Using Video-Based Advertising and Stop-Motion Video to Evaluate Auto Emotional Menu in Recognition Tasks and Communication. In Transdisciplinary Engineering: a Paradigm Shift: Proceedings of the 24th ISPE Inc. International Conference on Transdisciplinary Engineering, July 10-14, Singapore (Vol. 5, p. 410). 
  11. Chen, C. H, Lee, I. J*., (2015), A Using Stop-Motion Video with Advertising to Promote Perceptions Judgment of Others and Situational Awareness in Adolescents with ASD. The Asian Conference on Society, Education & Technology., October 21-25, Kobe, Japan.
  12. Chen, C. H., Hung, H. M., Lee, I. J*., Chen, Y. W., & Wu, F. G. (2011, July). Observe the user interactive behavior with a large multi-touch display in public space. In International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 141-144). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
  13. Chen, C. H., Lee, I. J*., & Wu, F. G. (2009), Research on Development of Awareness System for Remote Home-living., International Association of Societies of Design Research, pp. 4585-4593, Seoul, Korea., Oral Presenter
  14. Chen, C. H., Hsu, M. F., Lee, I. J*., Sun, K. W., Lin, Y. C., & Lee, W. H. (2009, October). Applying augmented reality to visualize the history of traditional architecture in Taiwan. In 22nd CIPA Symposium. 22nd CIPA Symposium, Digital Documentation, Interpretation & Presentation of Cultural Heritage, 11-15, Kyoto, Japan.

C. 著作(中西文專書/專章 )

  1. Lee, I. J*. (2020). How to use the Advantages of AR and VR Technique to Integrate Special Visual Training Strategies in Non-Verbal Communication Skills Training for Children with Autism. In Types of Nonverbal Communication. IntechOpen.
  2. Lee, I. J* (2020). Applying VR technology to the traditional furniture and woodworking making courses. Ministry of Science and Technology (Taiwan). 
  3. Lee, I. J* (2019). Using Augmented Reality Technology to Construct a Wood Furniture Sampling Platform for Designers and Sample Makers to Narrow the Gap between Judgment and Prototype. In Mixed Reality. IntechOpen. 
  4. Lee, I. J*., Lin, L. Y., Chen, C. H., & Chung, C. H. (2018). How to Create Suitable Augmented Reality Application to Teach Social Skills for Children with ASD. State of the Art Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Knowhow, 119. 
  5. Lee, I. J* (2015). Augmented Reality Technology for Promoting the Emotional Expression and Social Skills of Adolescents with Autism, the Doctoral Dissertation of National Chen Kung University.

D.  (專利)

  1. 發明專利:名稱"一種用於自閉症孩童提升社交訓練之裝置及其方法" 發明人證書號:I741590  專利有效期限為:2021/10~2040/05
  2. 發明專利:名稱"盲童互動遊具之結構及其方法" 發明人證書號:I717271  專利有效期限為:2021/01~2040/04
  3. 發明專利:名稱"擴增實境比對現實物體之方法及系統" 發明人證書號:I680670  專利有效期限為:2019/12~2038/11
  4. 發明專利:名稱"筆型量尺" 發明人證書號:I436031 專利有效期限為:2014/05~2031/02
  5. 新型專利:名稱"行走輔助裝置" 發明人證書號:M565015。
  6. 新型專利:名稱"虛擬實境之教學裝置發明人證書號M599452 專利有效期限為:2020/08~2030/04

E. 競賽獎項 (競賽成果)

  1. 2015年 科技部獎勵人文與社會科學領域博士候選人撰寫博士論文獲獎者
  2. 2014年 Smile Sticker (德國iF設計獎入圍270 /總參與件數11,847)
  3. 2013年 Is Fresh? (德國iF設計獎入圍300 /總參與件數12,000)
  4. 2011年 Pen Ruler (德國iF設計獎全球第2名/總參與件數8,007)
  5. 2011年 臺灣設計年會全國校園設計推廣競賽 第3名
  6. 2011年 教育部鼓勵學生參與國際設計競賽 金獎
  7. 2008年 經濟部舉辦輕金屬創意設計競賽 佳作
  8. 2008年 旺宏金矽獎 銀獎
  9. 2008年 教育部數位影像顯示科技-技術創新暨服務應用競賽 全國第3名
  10. 2008年 教育部數位影像顯示科技-技術創新暨服務應用競賽 南區第2名
  11. 2007年 教育部數位影像顯示科技-技術創新暨服務應用競賽 南區第1名
  12. 2007年 全國智慧型居家機器人創意設計競賽 優選
  13. 2007年 作品CLock入圍全國性競賽 第七屆龍騰微笑競賽

F. 科技部計畫執行

  1. 科技部/ 應用A/VR技術結合編程思考遊戲及劇場角色扮演互動策略以提昇自閉症譜系兒童在象徵遊戲與社交意涵感知能力之創新研究 。
  2. 科技部/ 應用擴增實境技術開發居家訓練模組促進自閉症類群障礙症兒童社交互動與行為自我調節技巧。
  3. 科技部/ 發展創新之擴增實境介入工具以提昇自閉症孩童及青少年在社交技巧與情緒感知能力之研究。
  4. 科技部/ Augmented Reality technology for promoting the emotional expression and social skills of adolescents with autism 。


  1. 109學年度申請產業學院計畫-精進師生實務職能方案-以「AVR技術與互動產業應用精進師生實務職能方案」獲得計畫補助執行。
  2. 109學年度申請教育部教學實踐計畫-以「應用虛擬實境技術導入傳統家具木工科學生在職業訓練課程中關於批量家具生產線「加工任務」與「製造程序」知識能力之創新教學策略與職業訓練課程實踐」獲得計畫補助執行。
  3. 108學年度申請教育部教學實踐計畫-以「擴增實境科技導入傳統家具木工科學生於家具試作課程之創新教學場域與技術實作應用」獲得計畫補助執行。
  4. 108學年度協助本校申請教育部優化技職校院實作環境計畫培育類產業環境人才計畫書-以「木藝多樣少量類產業環境人才培育計畫」獲得計畫補助執行。
  5. 108學年度教育部高等教育深耕計畫-VR虛擬實境教材專題製作獲得計畫補助執行
  6. 108學年度參與「優化技職前瞻未來成果展」未來科技展區-以「虛擬實境技術導入傳統家具木工科學生在批量家具生產線系統」進行操作模擬展示獲得主辦單位亮點展區推薦。
  7. 108學年度申請臺北科大教資中心「108-1學期「AR擴增實境教材專題製作」-以運用擴增實境技術建構CNC數控木工雕刻機操作之教學課程獲得計畫補助執行。


  1. 擔任「第六屆人機互動研討會」,Taiwan Computer-Human Interaction Conference 2020 (TAICHI 2020) 之議程審稿委員(Program Committee member)
  2. 擔任「第五屆人機互動研討會」,Taiwan Computer-Human Interaction Conference 2019 (TAICHI 2019) 之議程審稿委員(Program Committee member)
  3. 擔任「第四屆人機互動研討會」,Taiwan Computer-Human Interaction Conference 2018 (TAICHI 2018) 之議程審稿委員(Program Committee member)
  4. 擔任2018 3rd International Conference on Design, Materials and Manufacturing Technical Committee 之議程審稿委員(Program Committee member)
  5. 擔任2018 10th International Conference On Education Technology And Computers Technical Committee 之議程審稿委員(Program Committee member)
  6. 參與國際電腦科學與資訊科技學術組織會員 Senior member of the International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT).
  7. 2017- 國際SSCI 人機互動與行為科學類期刊審稿委員– The Reviewer with Interaction Studies
  8. 2016- 國際SSCI醫學復健與自閉症相關教育類期刊審稿委員– The Journal of Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders –Journal - Elsevier (SSCI)
  9. 2016- 國際SSCI電腦、心理學、醫學、人機互動,科技應用類期刊審稿委員– The Journal of Computers in Human Behavior –Journal - Elsevier (SSCI)
  10. 2016- 國際SSCI醫學復健與科技教育類期刊審稿委員– The Journal of Research in Developmental Disabilities –Journal - Elsevier (SSCI)
  11. 2015- 國際SSCI孩童、青少年教育類期刊審稿委員– Reviewer with Child and Youth Care Forum –Journal - Springer (SSCI)
  12. 2015- 國際科學應用與科技教育類相關期刊審稿委員– Reviewer with International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology


  1. 2021- 受嘉發實業委託「嘉發實業工廠商品開發設計合作計畫案」
  2. 2021- 受瑞儀光電股份有限公司委託「照明產品飾件設計合作計畫案」
  3. 2019- 教育部107年高等教育深耕計畫-VR虛擬實境教材專題製作補助計畫
  4. 2019- 受良日藝文工作室委託「3D列印文創商品數位開發委託計畫案」
  5. 2019- 受有禮設計股份有限公司委託「木質藝術品牌成立與市場銷售計畫」
  6. 2018- 受朱化創意整合有限公司委託「桃園國中小木藝教育課程綱要研究計畫案」


  1. 擔任國立臺北科技大學工業設計系家具木工四技產學訓專班主任
  2. 擔任國立臺北科技大學木藝培育暨設計研發中心副主任
  3. 擔任國立臺北科技大學校友聯絡中心基金發展組組長
  4. 擔任經濟部標準檢驗局日常用品國家標準技術委員
  5. 擔任優化技職校院實作環境計畫-木藝多樣少量類產業環境人才培育計畫副執行長
  6. 擔任全國高級中等學校110學年度「工業類學生技藝競賽應用設計職種評判委員」
  7. 擔任全國高級中等學校109學年度「工業類學生技藝競賽應用設計職種評判委員」
  8. 擔任全國高級中等學校108學年度「工業類學生技藝競賽應用設計職種評判委員」
  9. 擔任全國高級中等學校107學年度「工業類學生技藝競賽應用設計職種評判委員」
  10. 擔任北科及北醫跨領域醫療、設計、工程等專業跨領域課程講座課程講師
  11. 擔任「2018智慧生活與創新設計國際產業科技趨勢論壇」講者引言及座談人
  12. 2018年擔任「桃園市兒童玩具圖書館開幕策展、營運、課程、管理」整合諮詢會議議程審查委員